Little Rock People is back.
We took a break last year, but now that our big brother – The Kinemastik International
Short film festival is having its 20th birthday we are excited to join in the celebrations.
If you’ve been before you know what to expect. But if you’re visiting for the first time,
you can look forward to some warm up games, which will be hosted by our Master of Ceremonies Vivia India Fabbro and our juice bar will be selling the good stuff for all ages.
Then, as it gets dark the films will begin. We have films about talking beans, crazy birds on a volcano, a dad saying nice things about his daughter and a whale in a hot
air balloon. This year we are especially happy to be showing four short films from some local kids who took part in Seen & Heard, an international project where young people make films about important subjects they care about. Our friend Charlie helped them out, you can ask her some questions if you see her on the night.
When the films are over, you get to vote for your favourite and decide who wins, whilst the Tuffigno Boys play a DJ Set made exclusively for you.
What a night!!